Brydie Rowan
brydie first heard about the concept of the shadow in a book
years later in conversation shadow work came up....and kept coming up for a couple of years before she decided to find out what this work was about and if it could help her to see why certain patterns were looping in her life
patterns of behaviour...in relationship to others and self...in the way she was experiencing life
her first experience of shadow work was in a group of women (shadow work can be practiced in specific gender/non binary group or mixed group settings) over a weekend.
having explored practices, tools, healing therapies and self development modalities over the years she was touched by how profound, shame free and illuminating the work was.
and deeply effective.
following that first weekend she experienced a very real and positive shift in relationship to herself, connection to others and her sense of direction in life.
continuing the work, both group and one on one over a few years she stepped fully into training and over the last 2 years she has dedicated herself to hundreds of hours of training and assisting and is approaching certification in this beautiful, practical, creative work.
it is a strong, supportive model that can hold practically anything we are holding inside us so we can carefully take a look at what might be going on in the deeper layers of our sub conscious.
to explore how the mechanics of our patterning and behaviours were born, how these parts operate and why and whether they are still serving us.
it allows us to both honour and renegotiate these parts.
it is work that aligns with brydie's approach to life..... one of creativity, joy and depth
to discuss working together. please contact her here